Poll on Sudestian Independence

Auleus – Today the Aulean National has announced the results of a poll conducted on Sudestian independence within Sudestia. The results are as follows:


Leaving the Confederation: 60.2%


Remaining in the Confederation: 35.9%


Other: 3.9%


The victory in this poll has been a major boost for the leave camp; because of the poll the movement has received the backing of the Aulean National. Justine Jozefo said, “Today the people of Sudestia have shown the way they feel in the independence debate”. Yesterday Channel 4 broadcasted a programme about the Hillser period in Sudestia called ‘’Hillser’s Sudestia’’ this further flaming the support for independence. ‘’Hillser’s Sudestia’’ was a documentary about life in Sudestia during the Hillser regime, a large amount of the documentary was spent on the prosecution of separatists.


William von Fernly was elected leader of the Confederal Front the main organisation wanting Sudestia to remain. Despite this victory for the leave vote is still predicted.

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